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The Theresa Grob Album

Pieces in this collection

Theresa Grob
Heinrich Hollpein, c1835  Vienna Museum

This collection of songs (all but one, D 512) in Schubert’s handwriting was probably given to Heinrich Grob, the brother of Therese Grob (1798 – 1875) in November 1816. Scholars continue to debate the suggestion that Schubert prepared the collection for Therese in the hope of marrying her. The songs included were:

D 445Edone
D Anhang I,28 (formerly D 512)Klage (according the Deutsch catalogue, not by Schubert)
D 372An die Natur
D 392Pflügerlied
D 432Klage (Der Leidende)
D 448Gott im Frühlinge
D 403Lied von Salis (Ins stille Land)
D 405Der Herbstabend
D 504Am Grabe Anselmos
D 99Andenken
D 343Am Tage aller Seelen (Litanei)
D 107Lied aus der Ferne
D 501Zufriedenheit
D 436Klage
D 503Mailied
D 465Trauer der Liebe
D 344Am ersten Maimorgen

Rita Steblin, ‘Schubert’s beloved singer Therese Grob: New Documentary Research’, in Schubert durch die Brille Volume 28 (January 2002)

Maynard Solomon, ‘Franz Schubert and the Peacocks of Benvenuto Cellini’, in 19th-Century Music Vol. 12 No. 3 (spring 1989)