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Selam (putative cycle)

Pieces in this collection

Walter Dürr suggested that seven of Schubert’s settings of poems from the following volume were intended to be a unified group:

Selam. Ein Almanach für Freunde des Mannigfaltigen. Herausgegeben von I.F.Castelli. Dritter Jahrgang 1814. Wien, gedruckt und im Verlage bey Anton Strauß (available online at http://digital.onb.ac.at/OnbViewer/viewer.faces?doc=ABO_%2BZ255496805)

This ‘Almanac for friends of variety’ begins with practicalities: the calendar for the year ahead (including the phases of the moon, the lengths of the days, Catholic and Protestant feast days etc.); routes and timings of stage coaches leaving from and arriving in Vienna; (very vague) weather forecasts etc. However, most of it is taken up with poems and stories. The poetry is divided into sections (such as Ballads, Legends, Fables, Odes, Elegies). One of Schubert’s settings is taken from the section devoted to Sonnets, but all the others are from ‘Lieder’ (songs or lyrics).

Dürr's suggested ordering

D 303		An die Geliebte (Stoll)
D 302		Labetrank der Liebe (Stoll)
D 308		Die Macht der Liebe (Kalchbeg)
D 305		Mein Gruss an den Mai (Kumpf)
D 306		Skolie (Deinhardstein)
D 307		Die Sternenwelten (Jarnik, tr. Fellinger)
D 304		Wiegenlied (Körner)
Order of the texts within Selam

D 302		Labetrank der Liebe (Stoll)  p. 38  (Section II: Sonnette)
D 304		Wiegenlied (Körner)  pp. 197-198 (Section IX: Lieder)
D 305		Mein Gruss an den Mai (Kumpf) pp. 200-201 (Section IX: Lieder)
D 302		Labetrank der Liebe (Stoll) p. 204 (Section IX: Lieder)
D 303		An die Geliebte (Stoll) p.205 (Section IX: Lieder)
D 306		Skolie (Deinhardstein) p. 208 (Section IX: Lieder)
D 307		Die Sternenwelten (Jarnik, tr. Fellinger) pp. 312 - 315 (Section XV: Uebersetzungen und Bearbeitungen von Gedichten aus fremden Sprachen).

Walter Dürr, ´Lieder aus dem “Selam”. Ein Schubertsches Liederheft´ in Introduction to Vol. 9 of NSA (p. XVI). 1989