Cantate zur Feier der Genesung Irene Kiesewetter, D 936

Cantata to celebrate the recovery from illness of Irene Kiesewetter

(Poet's title: Cantate zur Feier der Genesung Irene Kiesewetter)

Set by Schubert:

  • D 936
    for TTBB quartet, SATB choir and piano

    [April 5, 1827]

Text by:

Columban Schnitzer

Text written 1827. 

Cantate zur Feier der Genesung Irene Kiesewetter

Al par del ruscelletto chiaro
La tua vita scorra, Irene,
Compagne sian le grazie amene,
E l’amistà, virtù e fè.

Il suo rigor, le tue pene
Serbi a noi soli’l fato avaro,
E sia per noi ancor più amaro
Ond’ esser prodigo con te.

Irene, dea della pace,
Conserva in lei tranquillo il cor
Del suo filial amor la face
Per lunga età risplenda ancor.

Evviva dunque la bella Irene,
La delizia del nostro amor.

Cantata to celebrate the recovery from illness of Irene Kiesewetter

Like a clear little stream
May your life flow on, Irene,
May pleasant graces be your companions,
Friendship, virtue and faith.

Instead of you having to suffer, may the rigours
Of cruel fate affect only us,
And let things be even more bitter for us
So that fate can be generous to you.

May Irene, goddess of peace,
Retain a tranquil heart,
And may her filial love
Continue to burn for a long time.

So, long live beautiful Irene,
Our loving delight.

Ingeborg Harer of Graz has recently discovered a manuscript showing that this Cantata was prepared to celebrate Irene Kiesewetter’s nameday and that the title in the Deutsch catalogue referring to her recovery from illness is inaccurate.