Testing theme index function
- Autumn
- Clocks
- Cock-crow
- Eternity
- Evening and the setting sun
- Fleeting (flüchtig)
- Going to bed
- Larks
- May
- Metamorphosis
- Midday
- Midnight
- Morning and morning songs
- Night and the moon
- Rejuvenation
- Serenades and songs at evening
- Spring (season)
- Summer
- Time
- Waiting
- Waking up
- Winter
SPACE (location)
- Circles
- Covers and covering
- East and West
- Egypt
- Emptiness and fullness
- Germany and being German
- Greece
- Here and there
- High, low and deep
- Italy
- Left and right
- Named rivers
- Narrow and wide
- Near and far
- North and south
- Open and closed
- Rims and edges
- Space
- Spheres
- Syria
Inanimate nature
- Abysses, clefts and crevasses
- Air
- Caves
- Clouds
- Cold
- Deserts
- Dew
- Diamonds
- Dust
- The earth
- Earthquakes
- Ether
- Evening and the setting sun
- Fire
- Frost and ice
- Gold
- Hail
- Heat
- Heaven, the sky
- Hesperus, the evening star (Venus)
- Hills and mountains
- Iron
- Light
- Marble
- Mines and mining
- Mirrors and reflections
- Mist and fog
- Mountains and cliffs
- Night and the moon
- Rain
- Rainbows
- Rays of light
- Sand
- Shade and shadows
- Silver
- Smoke
- Snow
- Space
- Stars
- Stones and pebbles
- Storms
- The sun
- Thunder and lightning
- Valleys
- Weight – light and heavy
- Wind
Plants and vegetation
- Alder trees
- Apples and apple trees
- Beech trees
- Birch trees
- Branches
- Buds
- Bushes and undergrowth
- Clover
- Corn and cornfields
- Cypress trees
- Fields and meadows
- Flowers
- Fruit
- Gardens
- Germination, shoots and sprouting
- Grass
- Heathland and moors
- Hedges
- Herbs
- Ivy
- Lemons
- Metamorphosis
- Laurel
- Leaves and foliage
- Lilac
- Lilies
- Lime trees (Lindenbaum)
- Moss
- Mother Nature
- Myrtle
- Oak trees
- Palms
- Pine trees
- Poplars
- Reeds
- Roses and pink
- Rosemary
- Seeds
- Spruce trees
- Stems and stalks
- Thistles
- Thorns and pricking
- Trees (general)
- Violets
- Weeping willows
- Wine and vines
- Woods – groves and clumps of trees (Hain)
- Woods – large woods and forests (Wald)
- Wreaths and garlands
- Bees and honey
- Beetles and other insects
- Birds
- Butterflies and moths
- Cattle
- Cows
- Crickets
- Crows
- Deer
- Dogs
- Doves and pigeons
- Dragons
- Eagles
- Feathers and plumage
- Fish and fishing
- Horses
- Larks
- Lions
- Nests
- Nightingales, Philomel
- Owls
- Quails
- Ravens
- Sheep and lambs
- Snakes
- Swallows
- Swans
- Trouts
- Warbling (flöten)
- Wings
- Worms
- Boats
- By water – beaches and general
- By water – river banks
- Dew
- Islands
- Ferries
- Fish and fishing
- Floods and tides
- Foam and spray
- Frost and ice
- Lack of water – thirst and drought
- Lakes
- Lorelei, water nymphs, mermaids etc
- Melting
- Mirrors and reflections
- Mist and fog
- Named rivers
- On the water – rowing and sailing
- Pearls
- Ponds
- Rain
- Reeds
- Rivers (Bächlein)
- Rivers (Bach)
- Rivers (Fluß)
- Rivers (Strom)
- Rivers – waterfalls, rapids and whirlpools
- Sand
- The sea
- Ships
- Snow
- Springs, sources and fountains
- Stones and pebbles
- Surface of the water
- Surging
- Swimming
- Under the water, sinking and drowning
- Waves – Welle
- Waves – Woge
- Wet and dry
- Arms and embracing
- Balm and balsam
- Blood
- Bones and skeletons
- Breath and breathing
- Cheeks
- Chest / breast
- Cutting and wounding
- Dizziness and vertigo
- Dreams
- Ears
- Eyes
- Faces
- Feet
- Fingers
- Forgetting
- Gazes, glimpses and glances
- Going to bed
- Hair
- Hands
- Heads
- Hearts
- Lap, womb (Schoß)
- Legs
- Limbs
- Lips
- Madness
- Male and female
- Melancholy
- Mouths
- Nerves
- Pain
- Poison
- Rest
- Shoulders
- Sleep
- Smiling
- Soothing and healing
- Sweat
- Tears and crying
- Thorns and pricking
- Throats
- Tiredness
- Weak and strong
- Wounds
THE COURSE OF HUMAN LIFE: From the cradle to the grave
- Brothers and sisters
- Carrying a heavy burden
- Children and childhood
- Climbing
- Coffins
- Cradles
- Detours and delusions
- Dreams
- Evening and the setting sun
- Farewell and leave taking
- Father and child
- Food, feeding and nursing
- Games and play
- Ghosts and spirits
- Going to bed
- Graves and burials
- Home (Heimat)
- Inns and guest houses
- Journeys
- Laments, elegies and mourning
- Lullabies
- Male and female
- Martyrs and martyrdom
- Mother and child
- Orphans
- Paths
- Pilgrims and pilgrimage
- Rejuvenation
- Resurrection
- Shrouds
- Striving
- Swan songs
- Tiredness
- Urns
- Walking and wandering
- Walking sticks (Wanderstab)
- Weddings
- Widows
- Wreaths and garlands
- Youth
- Carts and chariots
- Cattle
- Corn and cornfields
- Cows
- Digging
- Fields and meadows
- Gardens
- Germination, shoots and sprouting
- Grass
- Harvest
- Hedges
- Horses
- Ploughing
- Pouring, scattering and strewing
- Seeds
- Sheep and lambs
- Shepherds
- Silk
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Wine and vines
- Banquets and feasts
- Bitterness
- Bread
- Cups and goblets
- Drinking
- Drinking songs
- Fish and fishing
- Food, feeding and nursing
- Fruit
- Herbs
- Inns and guest houses
- Lack of water – thirst and drought
- Nectar
- Smells
- Sweetness
- Wine and vines
- Armour
- Belts and girdles
- Clothes
- Hard and soft
- Hats
- Ribbons
- Silk
- Spinning
- Threads and yarn
- Veils
- Velvet
- Weaving
- Balls
- Baskets
- Beds
- Books
- Bows and arrows
- Breaking and shattering
- Buying and selling / Shops and markets
- Candles
- Clocks
- Crowns
- Diamonds
- Flags
- Gold
- Guns
- Hard and soft
- Lamps
- Money
- Nets
- Pearls
- Rings
- Rough and smooth
- Silk
- Thieves and robbers
- Thrones
- Torches
- Treasure and jewels
- Walking sticks (Wanderstab)
- Wreaths and garlands
- Buildings and architecture
- Bridges
- Buying and selling / Shops and markets
- Castles and towers
- Churches and chapels
- Columns
- Doors and gates
- Gardens
- Hard and soft
- Hearths and fireplaces
- Houses
- Huts
- Inns and guest houses
- Lamps
- Marble
- Mills
- Nuns, monks and monasteries
- Pictures and paintings
- Prisons and dungeons
- Roofs
- Rooms
- Steps and staircases
- Temples
- Torches
- Towns
- Villages
- Windows
- Alliances and treaties
- Arms and embracing
- Armour
- Banquets and feasts
- Being solitary, alone and lonely
- Begging and pleading
- Bows and arrows
- Brothers and sisters
- Buying and selling / Shops and markets
- Competitions and prizes
- Crowns
- Curses
- Daughters
- Dancing
- Farewell and leave taking
- Fighting and wrestling
- Flags
- Friends
- Games and play
- Gazes, glimpses and glances
- Germany and being German
- Gold
- Greece
- Greetings
- Guns
- Hermits and hermitages
- Hiding
- Home (Heimat)
- Husband and wife
- Italy
- Kings and Emperors
- Kissing
- Knights
- Knots and bonds
- Lances and spears
- Laughing
- Leading and directing
- Letters and correspondence
- Listening
- Male and female
- Messengers
- Money
- Murder
- Names
- Nuns, monks and monasteries
- Oaths and swearing
- Poetry
- Running and races
- Shields
- Silver
- Slaves and slavery
- Smiling
- Smiths and metalwork
- Songs of triumph
- Strangers
- Striking and hitting
- Swords and daggers
- Thieves and robbers
- Thrones
- Treasure and jewels
- Twins
- Vengeance
- War, battles and fighting
- Widows
- Workers and working songs
- Writing
- Anger and other strong emotions
- Courage
- Frenzy and lack of control
- Hope
- Jealousy
- Joy
- Laughing
- Longing and yearning
- Melancholy
- Sighs and sighing
- Tears and crying
- Vengeance
- Being locked up and unlocked
- Chains and shackles
- Bending
- Boats
- Breaking and shattering
- Carts and chariots
- Catching
- Climbing
- Dancing
- Detours and delusions
- Ferries
- Fleeing
- Flying, soaring and gliding
- Going to bed
- Horses
- Journeys
- Knots and bonds
- Labyrinths
- Leaping and jumping
- Moving around (schweifen)
- Not moving
- On the water – rowing and sailing
- Paths
- Pilgrims and pilgrimage
- Pouring, scattering and strewing
- Pressing and pressure
- Prisons and dungeons
- Pulling and dragging
- Rest
- Riding – carriages
- Riding – on horseback
- Rising and falling
- Rocking
- Running and races
- Ships
- Surging
- Swaying and swinging
- Swimming
- Walking and wandering
- Walking sticks (Wanderstab)
- Wheels
- Wind
- Wings
- Bells
- Cock-crow
- Echo
- Footsteps
- Listening
- Noise and silence
- Sighs and sighing
- Sounds
- Voices
- Warbling (flöten)
- Whispering
- Bards and minstrels
- Bells
- Cymbals
- Dancing
- Drinking songs
- Drums
- Harmony
- Harps and Aeolian harps
- Heavenly choir
- Horns
- Lullabies
- Lutes
- Lyres
- Melody
- Morning and morning songs
- Music of the spheres
- Nightingales, Philomel
- Organs
- Orpheus
- Pianos and keyboards
- Pipes and flutes
- Poetry
- Serenades and songs at evening
- Songs (general)
- Songs for special occasions
- Songs of triumph
- Stringed instruments (unspecified)
- Swan songs
- Trombones
- Trumpets
- Workers and working songs
- Zithers
- Black
- Blue
- Brown
- Colour (general)
- Fading and losing colour
- Gold
- Grey
- Green
- Rainbows
- Red and purple
- Roses and pink
- Silver
- White
- Yellow
- Amor / Cupid
- The ancient world
- Aphrodite / Venus
- Apollo / Phoebus
- Artemis / Diana
- Bacchus
- Castor and Pollux
- Chronos
- The devil
- Dragons
- Dwarfs and gnomes
- Egypt
- Elysium
- Fairies
- Fate, luck and lotteries
- Ganymede
- Giants
- Greece
- Hesperus, the evening star (Venus)
- Jupiter / Zeus
- Lethe
- Lorelei, water nymphs, mermaids etc
- Magic and enchantment
- Muses
- Nectar
- Nightingales, Philomel
- Nymphs
- Olympus
- Orpheus
- Prometheus
- Psyche
- Sacrifice
- Temples
- Altars
- Angels
- Bells
- Churches and chapels
- The cross and crucifixes
- The devil
- Eden
- Eternity
- Heaven, the sky
- Heavenly choir
- Hell
- Hermits and hermitages
- Ghosts and spirits
- Martyrs and martyrdom
- Nuns, monks and monasteries
- Oaths and swearing
- Pilgrims and pilgrimage
- Prayers and praying
- Priests
- Resurrection
- Sacrifice
- Saints
- Soul
- Temples
- The underworld (Orcus, Hades etc)
- Virgin Mary
- Appearance and reality
- Detours and delusions
- Dreams
- Elysium
- Forgetting
- Ghosts and spirits
- Here and there
- Hope
- Longing and yearning
- Lost and found
- Madness
- Magic and enchantment
- Mirrors and reflections
- Near and far
- Pictures and paintings
- Poetry
- Rainbows
- Sleep
- Waking up
- Will o’the wisp (ignis fatuus)
- Appearance and reality
- Breaking and shattering
- Courage
- Detours and delusions
- Dreams
- Fate, luck and lotteries
- Lost and found
- Forgetting
- Longing and yearning
- Striving
- Weak and strong
- Weight – light and heavy